Let’s begin your journey of cultivating a joyful, connected, + erotic life.

So many of us struggle to feel secure in our bodies and relationships.

Protection can look like…

  • Difficulty trusting yourself and building trust in others

  • Consistent sense of urgency despite life being “perfectly fine”

  • Fear of intimacy and being vulnerable

  • Inability to connect to arousal or desire + lack of orgasm

  • Sexual dysfunction such as painful sex, erectile difficulties, premature ejaculation

  • … and more!

We all have a blueprint passed down by our caregivers on how to relate to ourselves and our intimate others. Sometimes that blueprint could use some tweaking! Depending on your model of relating and eroticism, you may develop mechanisms—often called “symptoms”—that prioritize protection over connection.

Living a protected life, you may long for a joyful life where you feel fully yourself, able to experience eroticism, belonging, and abundance. Healing and erotic connection are possible! We will honor how you’ve protected yourself while developing new, expansive strategies for a full life.

Client Services

sex therapy illinois and missouri


couples therapy chicago illinois


anxiety therapy illinois and missouri


Professional Services

consultation services in chicago illinois


supervision services in chicago illinois


training and workshops for sex therapy illinois chicago


Get in touch!

I offer free 30-minute consultations to determine if we’re a good fit :)